- The Autobiography of Black Hawk by Black Hawk
- The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton
- Two Women of Galilee by Mary Rourke
- The Master by Colm Toibin
- If I Stay by Gayle Forman
I was surprised how much I enjoyed Forgotten Garden. I seem to recall that I might've watched parts of the movie some years ago, and on the strength of that I obtained the book recently when it was on sale. The story itself is like peeling an onion layer by layer. As one piece of the mystery is unraveled more mysteries are revealed and this process kept my attention and interest level up. It is even more remarkable that the story takes shape following three different characters over three different historical periods: The early 1900s, the mid 1970s and in the current time (circa 2005). As a small piece of the puzzle is revealed in one period, the events in other periods inherit this as a "given" and reveal a bit more. Very nicely done Kate! I was unaware I was reading a novel because I was so absorbed in the story.
I have said before that I like to read about novels and non-fictional pieces around the time of Christ and so I picked up Two Women some time ago. (I am making a concerted effort to read stuff that has languished on my book shelf for years). This book is about some of the B-list characters from biblical times. I enjoyed the contrasting of Roman and Hebrew lifestyles and getting a sense of what it must have been like to be living in your own home and ruled by a foreign power. Essentially Rourke kept to script though, using biblical events to outline her story. I thought there might be room for exploration of other ideas about that time along the lines that Saramago did in his work that I read recently.
The Master is my first read of a novel by Toibin and I am glad to say it won't be my last. There is a line in an early part of the book where it is said "All the Irish are natural writers, my wife says, it comes naturally to them." I put Mr Toibin in this category. There are times this novel reads like a biography and times when you think it could be an autobiography. I was convinced I was hearing the thoughts of Henry James. The Master of psychological works is himself subject to a master of a psychological work. Obviously this book is well researched and although I have not read any books by James, I will be in future.
Ok, ok -- I said I'd never read another YA novel -- ever! My family and I just went on a road trip to Paso Robles and we wanted a book to listen to in the car. My wife and daughter both wanted to listen to this book so I downloaded it from Audible real quick and off we went. My faith in such novels has been somewhat restored. I mean this story is still clearly aimed at teens but it is written with sensitivity and genuine feeling. The first person narration doesn't get cloying like many other teen novels I've read. I was moved in parts -- and not just during the soppy teen romance ones! My wife thought the ending was unfulfiling but I thought it was just fine. However, she was very happy to learn that there is a sequel that tells us what happened to Adam and Mia. Sigh.